The 8-Pass Ride
The 8-Pass Ride
The 8-Pass Ride
10th & 11th March 2012
10th & 11th March 2012
- $20.00 per Bike for Off-road or On-road custom Route Sheets.
- Geraldine has a host of accommodation available from camping ground cabins to luxury motels, so get on-line and book a room before its too late!
- We have a list of places to try so if you can’t find anywhere call.
- Why not get to Geraldine before 4pm and visit the Vintage Car Museum.
- We will regroup at the “The Village Inn” restaurant/bar on Talbot Street at 6:00pm on Saturday and make a decision on where we are going to eat from there.
- A On-Road group of will be leaving the clubrooms at 10.00am Saturday.
- For more information, routes, and accommodation options call or email:
- Road:
- (021) 384 389
- Off-Road:
- (027) 240 8533
- There is an Adventure Option for this weekend, designed to be enjoyed by all riders whether pillions, solo beginner adventurers, or experienced riders.
- The planned routes include some spectacular scenery.
- Route-sheets will be available so that riders can choose their own pace and avoid most of the dust inevitable in the back-blocks.
- We have a couple of loaner route-sheet holders, but ideally you can make your own. Instructions available - here. Or Ron can build you one also.
- “Unregistered and unwarranted bikes will not be accepted, this will be checked before departure”.
The official website of the Geraldine District.....
Yes... any partners welcome!
Online Entry $20.00 per bike.
Online Entry $20.00 per bike.