Neurological Foundation - 2013
Post date: Aug 22, 2014 10:18:38 AM
"The Brass Monkey Rally is an event organised and run by the Otago Motorcycle Club for the past 34 years. It attracts people not only from all parts of New Zealand, but also from overseas, so it is important to us that monies obtained from the running of our Rally are put to good use. We try to have a worthy recipient to make a donation to every year and at the last Rally we decided it would go to the Neurological Foundation. We picked the Foundation because the research projects funded by the Neurological Foundation are of benefit to all, including motorcyclists," says John Willems of the Organising Committee.
It was appropriate that John and Committee Chairman, Brendan McMahon, handed over the Club's very generous donation of $4,000 at the Neurological Foundation's Brain Day event in Dunedin. John (centre) and Brendan (left) are pictured with Neurological Foundation's Dunedin Community Liaison Co-ordinator, Bridget Hall (right), in front of an inflatable brain at the Brain Day event.